Measuring Mold Levels

People have different sensitivities to mold, so even the best mold reports can mislead individuals who are highly sensitive.

Eliminating the possibility of mold in a building is ideal.


The seemingly mysterious monster called mold requires only 3 things:

  • moisture

  • food

  • temperatures above freezing

Mold grows on natural materials which are prevalent in homes and offices.

Eliminating moisture intrusion is the only real solution.


Controlling Moisture Levels

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Wood inside a home is safe when below 12% moisture content. At 20% structural and finish lumber alike slowly develop mold.

Aided by high moisture content mold colonizes and destroys cellular materials quickly.

Sophisticated meters can detect moisture up to 4” into a surface, thus damage to the surface material may not have occurred yet.


Mold Eats Anything Cellular

Mold on the paper surfaces of drywall is dramatically visible in a home, but only on the outside layer.

If there is a source of moisture on the other side of the wall, mold exists inside the wall.

Dangerous moisture levels in drywall begin at 17%.

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The structural lumber in crawlspaces is more susceptible to mold because of its exposure to moisture in the ground, hidden plumbing leaks, etc.

Crawlspaces should be inspected annually so as to be able to measure and control moisture levels.

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The beginning stages of mold on hardwood isn’t obvious due to the mold being similar in color to wood grain.

(mold; top left—wood grain; bottom right)

Natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, silk and cashmere are all susceptible to mold.

Common insulation is made from cellulose materials, therefore very vulnerable to mold.


Most carpet is synthetic, however carpet backings are not. Mold starts in the backing and is subsequently stored in the carpet itself.


Host Surfaces


Mold cannot feast on synthetic materials, such as; plastics, porcelain, caulking, etc.

However, these materials can be host surfaces for mold growing on dirt on or below these surfaces. Dirt contains organic materials that mold thrives on.

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Dirt in a crawlspace can be a host to mold when that dirt is wet.

Any porous material can act as a location for mold because the crooks and crannies house dirt and organic growth such as moss. But only when regularly moistened.


Mold Remediation


Unless all sources of moisture are resolved the mold will reinfect the home or office.

Masters of Moisture does not recommend the average franchised remediation service. These companies typically don’t know buildings well enough to solve the sources of moisture thus the long term mold problem.

MoldZero is not one of those companies. They are a family run company that wants your mold to be gone for good.

Mold Zero: (626) 671-8885